"Shaping our nation's future."
The vision of the National Children Movement focuses on reaching the children of Trinidad and Tobago with the overall aim of equipping, empowering and exposing them to teachings and experiences that will contribute to shaping them into profitable citizens.
We intend to accomplish this through:
Mobilizing persons from every community with a passion for children and providing them with the necessary training and other facilities that will enable them to function effectively.
Organizing the children into classes and groups where they will be taught various life skills by trained individuals, keeping in mind that everything done should be focused on empowering them to possess quality habits and nurturing them into constructive citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
Various events and activities will be carried out for the benefit of the children. Ultimately, it is our hope that this will grow into a national movement that will endure and mature to incorporate all the children in all our local communities. ​