National Youth Leaders Retreat
Friday 15th September - Sunday 17th September 2023
Grace Community Camp Site, Arima

Payment Options:
Make payments via bank transfer or direct deposit to:
Account Name: The Christian Solidarity Movement
Account Number: 950443462103
Home Branch: Republic Bank Limited Harris Promenade, San Fernando
Account Type: Chequeing
Please email a proof of payment to
You can also make cash payments at The Christian Solidarity Movement's office at 14 Maloney Street, Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando, Monday -Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
For more information, call: 652-3869/689-8309/379-9932 or email:
Calling all youth leaders! You're invited to our National Youth Leaders Retreat. Come, let's reignite our passion for purpose!
You'll hear from a team of powerful speakers, including Rev. Douglas Gibson, Rev. Dominic Scott, Min. Luke Quamina and Pastor Lyndon Balkaran. The theme: The Posture of Servitude.
Join us from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th September 2023 at the Grace Community Camp Site, Samaroo Village, Arma. Cost: $400 for the full camp experience and $150 for day passes.
Fill out the registration form below to secure your spot! Registration closes on Wednesday 15th September 2023.